Sunday, 9 July 2017

Methods in List class

Methods in List class

Add (object): Adds an element to the end of the list.
add (integer, object): -   Insert an element in to the list at the specified index position.

addAll(List): Adds all of these elements in the specified list to the list that calls the method. Both list must be same type.

addAll(set): Add all of the elements in specified set to the list that calls method. The set and the list must of the same type.

Clear(): Removes all elements from a list consequently setting the list’s length is zero.

Clone (): makes a duplicate copy of a list.

Deep clone (Boolean, Boolean, Boolean): makes a duplicate copy of a list of subject records, including the subject records themselves.

Equals(List): compares this list with the specified list and returns true if both list or equal. Otherwise false.

Get(integer): Returns the list elements stored at the specified index.

Gets object type (): return the token of the object type that makes up a list of subject. 

Hash code (): return the hash code corresponding to this list and its contents.

IsEmpty (): returns true if the list has zero elements.

Iterator (): returns an instance of an iterator for this list. 

Remove (integer): remove the list element stored at the specified index, returning the element that was removed 

Set (integer, object): sets the specified value for the element at the given index. 

Size (): Returns the numbers of elements in the list.

Sort (): sorts the items in the list in ascending orders.

Ex: List <string> str = new list <string> ();
        String s1 = ’Sam’;
        String s2 = ‘ram’;
        String s3 =’rave’;
        Star. add (s1);
        Star. add(s2); 
        Star. Add (1, s3); 
List <string> finalist = new list <string> ();
Finalist. add all (star); 
String x = star. get (1); // Ravi 

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